Having the right belief system is essential, it makes making decisons so much more easy, Imagine that brief nail biting, moment when you are looking at the most wonderful pair of Gucci sunglasses that you have ever laid eyes on and you are wondering if you should buy them. Dilemna of such proportions!! Freeze the frame ... if your belief system is based on the Buffet school of philanthrophy you would say to yourself "Do I really need this shamelessly overpriced piece of knicknack when I know there are people dying in Somalia?"
A rhetorical question in this case. In my quest of self gratification I have evolved another set of value system which helps me sleep like a baby at night after some such nerve racking decision I make. Here are some of the rationale that I give for my behavior:
- God loves me more than poor people. He wouldn't mind me buying another pair of expensive crocodile leather shoes.
- If i give a poor person a fish, he would eat it for a day. What is a day anyways? and why spoil their habits?
- Poor people are lazy or crazy and giving money wouldn't fix that.
- Our religious scripture has a loophole, I can keep all the money, I don't need to give to the poor, woo-hoo!
- Poor people carry germs...(i don't know how is this pertinent)..but I believe in it!
- I am bad at economics, I believe that keeping my money stimulates the economy and helps the poor and the needy.
I recommend you ask this question at the next boring party you are invited to, things will soon get interesting trust me! It will also reduce the risk of you being invited to another party any time in the future.
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